More New Beauties for 2024

Looking for some more new roses?  Featuring deep purples, to brilliant oranges, old-fashioned style, to elegant hybrid teas, towering grandifloras to dainty shrubs, here are some of the introductions for 2024 from Weeks Roses and Star Roses.  Descriptions and photos are courtesy of Star Roses and Weeks Roses catalogs. Cosmic Clouds – Flowers of magenta

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Dozens of Wonderful Disease Resistant Roses

There is nothing quite as lovely as a rose bud unfurling, framed by lush, healthy, deep green foliage. Rosarians strive to attain and maintain their roses for this often-illusive picture. With the advent of modern roses (developed after 1867), more and more roses have been hybridized, and the results have been variable. Some plants looked

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Mostly Good Guys for Garden Pest Control

Spiders get a bad rap; many people go to great lengths to get rid of them. Is it their other-worldly appearance? Concern about being bitten by a poisonous type or simply the idea of “creepy, crawling” things? Whatever the reason, before eliminating them, it’s good to understand the invaluable role they play keeping pest populations

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