Welcome to the Marin Rose Society

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What’s new

It’s Not a Bee

Syrphid flies, commonly known as flower or hover flies, resemble bees. The brightly colored adults are black or brown adorned with yellow banded abdomens and body markings. The broad head is about the width of the abdomen or wider and has large eyes with distinct antennae. The larvae of syrphids…

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Pretty Polyantha Roses

The beautiful and interesting polyantha roses are a kind of rosarian’s secret. They’re probably not as well-known as other classes of roses, mostly because there are not that many that are classified as polyanthas. While it may be a rather small class of roses, it includes some highly rated varieties…

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Got Gophers?

Grrrrr – while merrily tending my roses, I’ve come across another victim of the dreaded beast – the gopher.  If this is not one of the gardening challenges you face, you can stop reading now.  Since I live in gopher heaven, each season I have to deal with the damage…

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Elegant English Roses

English roses? Do roses really have nationalities? Certainly there are species roses that originate from a particular area or region of the world, like Rosa chinensis from China. But hybridized roses? Not really. So where does the term “English Rose” come from and what does it include? There is no…

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Lizards are Garden Good Guys

Lizards are definitely good for the garden. These easy to identify inhabitants, with their dry, scaly skin, four legs with clawed feet, and long tail, are generally six to nine inches long. You might find them basking in warm, sunny places or scampering around rocks, brush piles or other small,…

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Upcoming Events

Care Basics

Need help with planting, pruning, pests or disease? We’ve got lots of information on all phases of rose care plus what to do in the garden each month.

How To

If you like to learn by watching, we’ve got short videos on a variety of topics like pruning your roses, growing new roses from cuttings, taking photographs and more.


Have a rose question?  Looking for a place to see or buy roses? Check out our list of Consulting Rosarians, public rose gardens and on-line sources to buy roses.

About Us

We’ve been an active organization of rose lovers for more than forty years.  Learn more about who we are and how you can participate.

Roses FYI

How to Fertilize Roses
Pruning And Training Your Climbing Rose
The Difference Between Own Root and Grafted Roses
Leaves turning yellow? Your plants may be showing signs of chlorosis; learn more about how to treat this nutrient deficiency.
YouTube video
Get some “how to” tips for creating a simple flower arrangement using your roses
Learn more about the Marin Rose Society with A Celebration
Companion Planting with Roses
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Pruning And Training Your Climbing Rose
The Difference Between Own Root and Grafted Roses
Leaves turning yellow? Your plants may be showing signs of chlorosis; learn more about how to treat this nutrient deficiency.
YouTube video
Get some “how to” tips for creating a simple flower arrangement using your roses
Learn more about the Marin Rose Society with A Celebration
Companion Planting with Roses
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