Membership Benefits
For $25 annual membership dues, members receive the following:
- Bi-monthly issues of “The Marin Rose” newsletter (sent electronically). Each issue is full of “how to” information as well as articles and other information about rose culture.
- Each member is permitted to participate in our annual rose show in May, and in the monthly rose competitions during the growing season, which are held at our regular monthly meeting.
- Access to our Consulting Rosarians when you need questions answered.
- Monthly meetings with guest lecturers. These programs are on a variety of rose topics, as well as other gardening tips and techniques.
Want to join or renew your membership? Click here for a an on-line membership application, or here for a printable form.
Payment can be submitted by clicking donate below.
Meeting Place and Time
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. except November and December. The meeting location is at the Marin Art & Garden Center, Ross, CA. More details can be found at events.
Want to join or renew your membership? Click here for a membership application.
Read our bylaws and standing rules.
We encourage our members to join the American Rose Society.