NCNH District Spring Business Meeting
Hall of Flowers 1199 9th Ave, San Francisco, CA, United StatesHosted by San Francisco Rose Society at the Hall of Flowers, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. Light breakfast at 9:30 a.m. Lunch is prepaid by the attendee - click here for order form. Raffle will follow lunch, followed by a speaker. Contact Cindy Phipps or Sue Bennett for more information.
How to Keep Roses Healthy – – I Promise You a Rose Garden
Mill Valley Community Center 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA, United StatesJolene Adams, "How to Keep Roses Healthy - - I Promise You a Rose Garden"
2023 ARS National Rose Convention
It’s “Time for Roses” and, almost time to “Come Home to America’s Rose Garden” for the 2023 National Convention and Rose Show May 5-7 at the American Rose Center in Shreveport. The convention committee has put together an eclectic educational and schedule of speakers, workshops and social events that will enlighten and entertain you throughout […]
Preparation for the Annual Rose and Photography Show
Mill Valley Community Center 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA, United StatesPaula Jaffe will talk about how to present roses for a rose show. She will be joined by Betty Mott who will do the same for entering photographs.
Marin Rose Society Annual Rose and Photography Show
110 Bon Air Shopping Center - Next to Wells Fargo Bank Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Greenbrae, CA, United StatesJoin us for the 46th ANNUAL ROSE SHOW, and 8th ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW! You'll find Demonstrations, Interactive Displays, Consulting Rosarian's rose-related handouts and freebie! Here is the Rose Show Schedule 2023 with all the information you need for showing roses or photographs. There will be a Public Contest for the most fragrant rose and best […]
Rose Bloom Sale After the Show
110 Bon Air Shopping Center - Next to Wells Fargo Bank Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Greenbrae, CA, United StatesAll roses in the 46th Annual Rose Show will be sold for $1.00 per stem beginning at 2:15 pm. until all are sold. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Center for Domestic Peace.
NCNH Rose Arrangement Workshop
McKinley Park Rose Garden Classroom Building, Corner of H Street and 33rd Street Sacramento, CA Corner of H Street and 33rd Street, Sacramento, CA, United StatesCome learn 2 basic styles of arranging - A Traditional Line Design and an East Asian (Ikebana) Design - with fellow rosemaniacs and arrangers. You will get to choose 2 different containers to make 2 beautiful arrangements to take home, display, and brag about. Instructors include Arrangement Judges Barbara Gordon, Cherry Hoover, and Lesa Lane, […]
Holiday Guide to Rose Care
Mill Valley Community Center 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA, United StatesJan Burnham will present “Holiday Guide to Rose Care”, or how to tie annual rose care to holidays, making it easy to remember.
Making your Garden a Haven for Pollinators and Birds
Mill Valley Community Center 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA, United StatesTerry Oxford, Pollinator Advocate, Environmental Activist, Reformed Beekeeper, winner of three Good Food Awards for her bees' ‘Tree Blossom Honey’, speaks to gardeners who care deeply about birds, bees, and butterflies. Terry's work reveals that commonly utilized systemic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, are pre-applied on ornamental plants (roses) and trees at local and national nurseries/growers before retail sale. Unless labled […]
Ralph Moore and Miniature Roses
Mill Valley Community Center 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA, United StatesBurling Leong, owner of Burlington Roses, will give a talk on “Ralph Moore and Miniature Roses”. Ralph Moore is considered the “father” of the miniature rose, patenting his first rose in 1957. Many of those varieties, unavailable elsewhere, are available at Burlington Roses. MRS members and guests may order roses in advance and Burling can […]