Three Dozen Wonderful Pink Roses

If it seems like there are more pink colored roses than any other single color, you are not imagining it. Rayford Reddell says in his book The Rose Bible, “I probably imagined that … pink wasn’t a masculine color – foolish reasoning. As for the pink aversion, well, it helps to know that more great roses are pink or blends than any other color. If pink bothers you, do your best to get over it.”

The majority of species roses and old garden roses fall into the white, pink, lavender, and red colors, with the pinks being the most prevalent. Even with the advent of hybridizing the color pink, in all of its variety, represents the majority of roses in commerce. Think about the color pink and the adjectives we use to describe it – there is pale, soft, powder, blush, pastel, hot, warm, cool, medium, dark, glowing, deep, clear, creamy, magenta, rich, intense, silvery – you get the picture. As there are so many to choose from, putting a list together is pretty easy – including all types from species to hybrid teas to climbers and miniatures.

If you don’t have many pink roses now because you’re not partial to the color, follow Reddell’s advice and “do your best to get over it.”

NameTypeColorARS RatingYear Introduced
R. gallicaSpeciesDeep pink9.0< 1500
Jeanne LajoieClimbing miniatureMedium pink8.91975
Mrs B R CantTeaMedium pink8.91901
Carefree BeautyShrubMedium pink8.71977
Marchesa BoccellaHybrid perpetualLight pink8.71842
Pearl MeidilandShrubLight pink8.71989
PenelopeHybrid muskLight pink8.71924
Rose de ReschtPortlandDeep pink8.7~1880
The FairyPolyanthaLight pink8.71932
CelsianaDamaskLight pink8.6<1817
Gartendirektor Otto LinneShrubDeep pink8.61934
GigglesMiniatureMedium pink8.61987
Jens MunkHybrid rugosaMedium pink8.61974
Souv de la MalmaisonBourbonLight pink8.61843
BallerinaHybrid muskMedium pink8.51937
Belle StoryShrubLight pink8.51985
Clair MatinLarge-flowered climberMedium pink8.51960
Duchesse de BrabantTeaLight pink8.51857
KathleenHybrid muskLight pink8.51922
Mlle Cecile BrunnerPolyanthaLight pink8.51880
Mrs. R.M. FinchPolyanthaMedium pink8.51923
Poulsen’s PearlFloribundaLight pink8.51949
Rosarium Uetersen (Seminole Wind)Large-flowered climberDeep pink8.51977
Sexy RexyFloribundaMedium pink8.51984
Dainty BessHybrid teaLight pink8.41925
Lady of the DawnFloribundaLight pink8.41984
New DawnLarge-flowered climberLight pink8.41930
Old BlushHybrid chinaMedium pink8.41752
Baby GrandMiniatureMedium pink8.31994
BonicaShrubMedium pink8.31985
Marijke KoopmanHybrid ceaMedium pink8.31979
Fame!GrandifloraDeep pink8.21998
Fredric MistralHybrid teaLight pink8.21998
The McCartney RoseHybrid teaMedium pink8.21995
Elizabeth TaylorHybrid teaDeep pink8.11985
SparrieshoopShrubLight pink8.11953

 By Nanette Londeree, Master Rosarian

Photo ‘Sexy Rexy’ by Connie Pelissero

2 thoughts on “Three Dozen Wonderful Pink Roses”

  1. Connie Pelissero

    Loved this article! Two of my favorite garden roses are Jeanne Lajoie and Sexy Rexy. Always healthy and many blooms!

  2. Nanette Londeree

    From Connie Pelissero – Loved this article! Two of my favorite garden roses are Jeanne Lajoie and Sexy Rexy. Always healthy and many blooms!

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