Does the color apricot bring to mind warm summer days, soft colors, and fuzzy textures? Abundant fresh fruit from the tree? Descriptive terms like light orange, soft pastel peach or pale sunset doesn’t really capture the warmth of the color. The American Rose Society (ARS) color classification uses apricot & apricot blend to cover a wide range of shades within this category, from the very pale apricot in ‘Apricot Nectar’, to a brilliant, nearly orange color in ‘Cathedral’. Yet the perennial favorite ‘Just Joey’, a rose that I would describe as a classic apricot colored rose (at least in our climate), is actually classified as an orange blend by the ARS.
Most of the rest of the world does not use this color category, and the roses on this list would likely be classified as orange. Old rose varieties include reds, pinks, whites, some purple (mauves) and yellows, but not this color. If you look for the “meaning” of different colored roses, you’ll find pretty consistent terms for most rose colors, but none for apricot roses. Orange roses are said to indicate desire, enthusiasm and fascination, while a peach rose can signify either sympathy or gratitude. Whatever the meaning of the color of apricot, it is a great one, and if you don’t have some apricot colored roses in your garden now, you may want to add one now.
Click here for a list of a dozen wonderful apricot roses.
Jean Kenneally is a proven winner in my garden!!! It is disease resistant and is a fantastic re-bloomer!!!
From Connie Pelissero – Jean Kenneally is a proven winner in my garden!!! It is disease resistant and is a fantastic re-bloomer!!!