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Marin Rose Society Annual Rose and Photography Show
110 Bon Air Shopping Center - Next to Wells Fargo Bank Sir Francis Drake Blvd, GreenbraeJoin us for the 46th ANNUAL ROSE SHOW, and 8th ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW! You'll find Demonstrations, Interactive Displays, Consulting Rosarian's rose-related handouts and freebie! Here is the Rose Show Schedule 2023 with all the information you need for showing roses or photographs. There will be a Public Contest for the most fragrant rose and best […]
Rose Bloom Sale After the Show
110 Bon Air Shopping Center - Next to Wells Fargo Bank Sir Francis Drake Blvd, GreenbraeAll roses in the 46th Annual Rose Show will be sold for $1.00 per stem beginning at 2:15 pm. until all are sold. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Center for Domestic Peace.